
Overview of Anti-Phishing

Phishing attacks are scams where attackers attempt to extract sensitive data or personal information by impersonating a trusted source, usually a well-known organization. Attackers aim to trick individuals into providing sensitive information such as passwords, credit card numbers, or other personal data.

Anti-phishing is the practice of using human and software processes to prevent or remediate phishing attacks. 
Anti-phishing protection involves comprehensive security measures that individuals and organizations take to prevent phishing attacks or reduce the impact of successful attacks. For example, anti-phishing systems may block phishing from entering a company’s email system, or prevent users from clicking links within them.
Anti-phishing software attempts to identify phishing content contained in websites, emails, or other digital media. It contains sophisticated protection mechanisms that filter out threats by identifying suspicious emails, often containing disguised links or false requests, marking them as spam or quarantining them. 
Additionally, anti-phishing mechanisms often work hand-in-hand with anti-malware protection, which scans incoming emails and their attachments for any malicious content, blocking such harmful elements from infiltrating the user’s system. This dual protective layer, combining anti-phishing and anti-malware, provides robust defense against evolving cyber threats.

Examples of phishing attacks include:  
Email phishing – a classic example of phishing where a malicious message that looks legitimate, lures victims to click a link, open a file or provide their valuable credentials; 
Spear phishing – phishing targeted to a specific person that the attacker has prior knowledge of; 
Whaling – in this type of phishing attack the attacker targets high-profile personas, such as C-level executives. 

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